So today we went to a benefit show! The photos were hard to take, Olivia didn't nap until after we left so she was super cranky and didn't want to sit still. So 9/10 of the photos are insanely blurry. But that's okay!
I guess you could have just shown up and not given/paid anything to watch Max, Sherri, Christie and everyone else perform but how crappy is that?? It's so selfless and cool of these artists to play a show they don't get a single penny for, they're raising awareness for something most people just overlook in Tyler. The poor.
We got there around 3 and watched The Scrips, that was the very first time we'd ever seen or heard of them. Definitely an interesting band.
After this we went to Chick-fil-A to get our girl some nuggets and fries, when we came back, Merriment was playing. I've listened to Merriment before but I've never seen them/Christie perform so it was great watching her for the first time!
After Merriment finished, Sherri played a few Eisley songs. Again, I own a few Eisley records and have listened to them for a while now, but have never been fortunate enough to see them perform, but it was really great singing along with Sherri to each song. This family is so insanely talented. I don't think I've ever heard someone's voice just fill a room.
Olivia was getting pretty fussy at this point so after a few of Max's songs, I took Olivia to the nursery to play with Scarlett (Stacy's baby) Sophie (Chauntelle's baby) and Lucy (Sherri's baby). It was seriously so much fun to watch Olivia play with these girls, they're so sweet and talkative.
We left the nursery and went back out to watch Perma after a while.
We ended up leaving before they finished to take a car seat to someone and let our girl nap. Everyone did so great and even though Olivia was screaming during most songs, it was so much fun. The best thing about the whole thing is it was so family friendly, and there were so many babies and they understand that babies aren't always well-behaved and quiet. Sherri even joked around that she thought her baby was the one screaming, Sherri if you ever read this it was actually mine most of the time hahah. I saw quite a few familiar faces today and honestly just had a good time with good people.
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